23 Things

You have reached my blog for 23 Things which Maryland Public Libraries are investigating this summer. What a great way to introduce staff to the new technologies available on the web. I look forward to the fun and the learning! ~ Ann

The photo displayed is from the National Gallery of Art website. Martin Johnson HeadeCattleya Orchid and Three Brazilian Hummingbirds, 1871Gift of The Morris and Gwendolyn Cafritz Foundation1982.73.1


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Week 7 - Wikis

#16 Learn about Wikis
I learned that WIKI stood for What I Know Is (Drexel University , Systems Analysis & Design, 2003ish). There wasn't any mention of it meaning quick in Hawaiian. I like the "what I know is" better. Yes wikis are "quick" but more importantly they are a compilation of knowledge from several individuals; individuals who are sure enough of their knowledge to post it for all to see. This is a good and a bad thing. Yes.

Several of the wikis I viewed for this 16th Thing, I self-emailed for a later and more indepth look. (Oh!Oh! wheels are turning...warning! warning!) There are many uses for wikis: instruction, informational and sharing opinion. Although our library has a staff intranet, a library wiki for staff would offer a better vehicle to share the information. It would take the burden off of one person updating content, which is a monumental task. Sharing our pool of knowledge and having a place for news and updates as well as library policy and procedures would give us easier access to the information we need to do your jobs and all be on the same page. (Is that last part possible? )

#17 Add entry to Sandbox Wiki: This I have done, had some fun creating a page.


I have posted my blog on the blog list. This type of wiki looks fun, but can suck time of wish is a precious commodity. I do see possible uses for collaboration and use on group projects. I probably spent too much time on this Thing. On to #18!!


Debby said...

I like your photo page on sandbox, Ann!

Ann said...

Thanks Debby...this was really fun to find and post photos of places I have lived...especially, or course, the New England ones.